What Should I Do When The System Is Down?

  • Description

    System Down Issues - System Down! 

    POS, Terminals, System, Freeze, Down, Transaction, Customer, Purchases

What do I want to change, fix, or improve? What’s the expected/desired outcome?

A customer’s last item is about to be scanned when the screen goes blank. The frazzled salesperson, eager to help the customer, allows them to pay cash for items already scanned and leave.  While it may be good for the customer, it’s not so great for the salesperson when the manager finds out. The exasperated manager asks how the store is supposed to track accurate sales and inventory when the salesperson is completing transactions outside of the system. How can the salesperson appropriately manage customer expectations during a system outage?

What do I know about this? How should I proceed?

POS systems freeze up and need to be reset from time to time.  The salesperson should pause the transaction, inform the customer of the problem and provide updates when possible as to when the system will function again.

Learn more, click here.

Problem solving checklist POS system down issues:
  • Inform the customer the system is down
  • Report system down to manager
  • Pause all transactions
  • Request and provide updates to customer as to when the system will function again
  • Begin transactions again once the system is functional.

How do I know if it is done right?

System functionality will be restored and customers will restart the transaction process.


POS, Terminals, System, Freeze, Down, Transaction, Customer, Purchases

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