What Happens When Sales Tags Aren’t Switched? Micro-Actions Simple Pages Examples

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    Shelf Labels - Sale Tag Switcharoo

    Discounts, Sales, Shelf, Labels, Print, Complaints, Customer, Manager

What Happens When Sales Tags Aren’t Switched?

What do I want to change, fix, or improve? What’s the expected/desired outcome?

Customers are upset when the price at checkout is higher than the price on the shelf. They want the lower price!  How can you ensure shelf labels are updated quickly after a sale ends?

What do I know about this? How should I proceed?

Department managers are in charge of switching sale tags.  Add the task of switching shelf labels (labels are switched at midnight of the first day of the sale) to their weekly task list for their department and oversee the completion of the task by their employees.

Learn more, click here.

Problem solving checklist for shelf label switching:
  • Note when sales end
  • Print labels with updated prices
  • Task employees with updating shelf labels
  • Confirm task is complete

How do I know if it is done right?

Managers will see the updated labels on the shelves and customers complaints on sales will decline.


Discounts, Sales, Shelf, Labels, Print, Complaints, Customer, Manager

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